The Best Magnesium Supplement

A Chiropractor's Recommendations & Product Review

Dr. Spathis Pic
As a chiropractic physician my recommendations are made based on a variety of factors including spinal biomechanics, research evidence and practical considerations such as ease of advice implementation and cost particular products. I would like to disclose that, although I may get a referral fee from some of the items advertised or reviewed, this will never impact the integrity of my reviews or recommendations. I hope you find my recommendations useful; however, if you have a specific spinal problem or condition, and have not yet done so, it is recommended that you contact your qualified health care provider for recommendations that may apply to your particular case.

Peter C. Spathis, DC

Magnesium Supplements To Help Relieve Muscle Cramps & Promote Relaxation

Magnesium is a mineral required for proper bone growth and maintenance as well as playing an important role in the function of nerves, muscles and a variety of body systems. Although magnesium supplements may sometimes be recommended for problems such as headaches, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and more (you are encouraged to discuss magnesium use for these conditions with your qualified health care provider), for the purpose of this magnesium supplement review we will concentrate on magnesium supplementation to help reduce muscle spasm, cramps and help promote relaxation. Within this scope, I hope you find the following product review helpful.

"Calm" is a magnesium supplement that many of my chiropractic colleagues seem to love and have available for sale in their offices. This may be for good reason. Calm comes in powder form and is mixed with water to produce magnesium citrate, a form of magnesium with superior "bioavailability" compared to most other types. Don't be fooled by the fact that magnesium carbonate (a less bioavailable form) is listed on the label as this product also contains citric acid which results in a chemical reaction producing magnesium citrate when it is mixed with water. From a musculoskeletal perspective, this may help reduce or relieve certain type of muscle spasms or cramps such as "charley horses". If this is the cause of your back or leg pain, this product is likely to help. However, this particular product is also often recommended to help relieve stress, reduce anxiety, promote relaxation and help provide restful sleep. Many users report that Calm is true to its name and delivers some of these desirable effects. If your qualified health care provider has recommended a magnesium supplement, ask them if this one is right for you.

This is a supplement worth considering for those interested in taking magnesium in tablet form. It provides a more absorbable form of magnesium - a lysinate glycinate chelate - than the magnesium oxide compounds found in many supplements. This simply means that the magnesium in this product is bound to amino acids that allow it to be more easily absorbed by the body. This may be slightly more expensive than less absorbable forms of magnesium but still very reasonably priced and a good value for the money.

If you don't like pills or powders you may wish to try this highly absorbable liquid form of magnesium. Although more expensive than many pill forms, this liquid magnesium product is still a good value due to its superior absorbability. However, a disadvantage of liquid supplements such as this is that they often require additional preservatives, such as sorbic acid, to maintain shelf life. This is not a problem for most people but if you have allergies or sensitivities to these additivies this may not be the best product for you. As always, discuss your planned use of any nutritional supplement with your primary care provider to ensure that it is appropriate for you.